Thursday, March 29, 2012

Five Easy (if Wordy) Things I Hate about the Dell Latitude E6510

I’m a Mac guy who has for the most part uncomplainingly used the Dell laptops my employer has supplied for seven years. I’ve gotten used to these Dull information appliances as a way to get the job done, however joylessly, but I’ve never hated a laptop with the white-hot intensity of the Dell Latitude E6510 I’m currently using—my third Dell for this job, and arguably the worst ever. Why?

1. Batteries and power non-management:
1.1: Laughably short battery life—The standard battery, that allows the unit to fit in my laptop bag, lasts about 45 minutes. 
1.2: A larger, higher-capacity battery is available, but the single battery bay (and zero backup power on main logic board) means the charger has to be plugged in to swap batteries—or you’ll lose everything currently in RAM. An annoyingly time-consuming restart follows each time. 
1.3: The battery bay is at the back of the unit, so the battery can’t be physically swapped out (say, from the small battery to the larger one, before a meeting) if the unit is on its docking stand. (My previous Dell had a small, permanent battery accessible from the underside, which was on all the time and kept RAM contents alive while swapping batteries on either side of the computer, easily accessible while on or off the docking station.)
1.4: I have played with my power management settings in Windows, but can’t get this thing to reliably give me a warning about low battery/time to plug in. It just dies. 
1.5: Even after reading and re-reading online help, I don’t get the difference between “sleep” and “hibernate,” particularly in relation to the laptop’s lid being open. Some combination of “sleep” and “hibernate” should allow the laptop, when on batteries, to go into a low-power-consumption mode on its own after a defined period of time, and manage its remaining power carefully enough to allow hours or days (depending on battery state) without losing what’s in RAM. It doesn’t work that way. 
1.6: “Resuming Windows”—If you’re lucky, you’ll get back to this laptop before it sucks the final electrons of energy from its battery. But even if you do, you’ll still wait about 30 seconds every time you come back, wake it up, and wait while it displays a bogus animation and the message “Resuming windows.” Why does an OS and hardware, that presumably keeps its last-used state in RAM while it hibernates or sleeps, need a time-consuming “resuming” step?
 2. Space heater: This laptop runs hot, and a fan blows this hot air out of a vent on the left side, right where I like to position my left hand when not typing. Even in the winter, the heat is so intense as to make you move your hand from where it naturally rests. If you set a cold drink over there, it will actually make it lukewarm after 15-20 minutes. If you lay a piece of chocolate nearby, it will melt.

3. Grime catcher: The speakers on either side of the keyboard sound pretty good, but the black perforated metal over them (serving as a grille) and extending far further than it needs to (for styling, I guess) appears to be almost designed to catch debris in its tiny holes, along with the various other gaping Catch-o-Matic™ cracks between subassemblies surrounding the keyboard. You know how the MacBook Pro has a smooth, seamless surface? This is the exact opposite, and I resent it.

4. Keyboard smarmyness: The last Dell laptop I was given had a lightly textured keyboard that showed a bit of smoothing/glossing on heavily used keys after three years, but this one has smooth keys that almost seem intended to show fingerprints/glossy wear/dust.

5. Beefy. This baby’s level of miniaturization is state of the art—for 1993. And this boat anchor ultimately does no more than the MacBook Air of a colleague who brought his featherweight laptop from his last job.

I am no fan of Microsoft or MS Windows, but in this case I’ve got to say that I actually feel Windows 7 Enterprise is being held back by the shoddy hardware it runs on.

Monday, March 26, 2012

American Cameo apples

A few weeks ago, I tried an apple I'd never heard of before and have been quite impressed: American Cameo.

Be sure to click on the "About Cameo" button on the left side of their site to see how they got started and what their goals for this apple were. Having one for lunch right now, and it truly appears to meet those goals: Crunch and flavor . . . Dah!

Every time I go to the store I am surprised that Red Delicious is still (judging by the size of the bins) so popular when it tastes so blah, bitter, and often mealy. I saw a story on the web a few years ago about how Red Delicious has been bred and changed and processed and stored to this point of non-deliciousness (I remember them being better when I was a kid). I guess a good brand name (and that bright red skin) somehow fools people into thinking they're still good, somehow. 

Sunday, March 11, 2012

TurboTax Support: a Taxing Experience

Dear TurboTax Customer Support:

The TurboTax help agent I chatted with via instant messaging tonight, "18_Bonnie C", was very understanding, responsive, courteous, and helpful, and was able to resolve my issue.

The problem?

A. Your password reset system is apparently broken.

The evening started with me not remembering my user ID from last year, so I selected the "send me my user ID" option or some option with similar wording. That worked well. I was sent the user ID within a minute, then attempted to log in using what I thought was the password.

I tried several variations on the password, but none worked, so I clicked the "reset my password" option. It presented me with a challenge question, which I correctly answered, and then I waited for the email it said it would send me.

After waiting over an hour, I finally got on instant chat and got "18_Bonnie C" to fix the issue, even though she couldn't explain why the automated password resets weren't working. This leads me to my second point of what's wrong with your system:

B. The wait time for help is excessive. 

I probably spent nearly a half hour waiting for someone to help me. Understaffing a customer service organization may seem like a good way of saving money, but in the long run it will make longtime customers like me flee for greener pastures. In such a situation, you would lose my business not just for this year, but for countless more years to come. Is it really worth chintzing on customer service if tens of thousands of customers feel the same way, and leave you en masse?

"18_Bonnie C" was very nice, but I am reluctant about continuing with Turbotax for this season's returns considering these two factors. I could just as easily switch to H&R Block's online tax product.

I am posting this letter on my consumer blog for other people to read, and I hope many of them carefully consider whether they want to try, or stick with, a company that has such a dicey password reset system--They might wonder, "What else might be broken on Turbotax?"--a legitimate question, I'd say.

You can write the final chapter of this story. I will share your response with my readers, too, and if you don't respond, I will make note of that, as well. 

Why should I stick with TurboTax?

Friday, March 2, 2012


Back in my day, a four-pack of classic Worthington vegeburgers (sold in limited venues during the 70s as "Sizzle Burgers" and "Fri-Pats") was never more than $2 a box--probably around $1.50 in the 1980s, and you typically had to go to the Adventist Book Center or wait for campmeeting to find them.

As the 80s and 90s wore on, there were advances in regard to satisfying sudden vegeburger cravings at home: First, the arrival of cheap microwaves (how did we heat them before?) and second, the marketing of Worthington's nearly perfect fake-burger patty as "Grillers" under the "Morningstar Farms" label. This went along with much wider availability, including the freezer of our local grocer (the regional chain Hy-Vee). Fast-forward to our vege-enlightened day and age, and you can walk into any Walmart or Target and pick up a pack.

Of course, the normal course of inflation has done its thing, so a box of these artificially flavored wonders of the post-space age can now easily run four dollars and change. Still . . . a buck a puck isn't bad when you consider what even the cheapest commercially sourced sandwich goes for these days. Walmart typically has them a bit cheaper, but Target may now become my favorite source for vege-meats with what I'm calling their VFVW (Vege-Food Value of the Week!) deal:

Check the freezer case at your local Target ASAP--Not sure if it's true throughout the country, but our KC-area Target currently has every Morningstar product in the regular size for $3.29 right now. Now that's a good solid value, but it gets even better . . .

Right beside the normal Griller Original four-packs (and don't get me started on the "Grillers Prime" variation--blechhh!) is a brand-new Grillers Original EIGHT-Pack, also for $3.29! That's 41 cents a patty. It looks like a classic "loss leader" to me, so if you like these highly processed little soy-based discs as much as I do once in a while, stock up now!

(Yes, I like black-bean burgers, and garden burgers, and lentil burgers at home and in restaurants, and am glad to see options like these becoming almost universal in mainstream eateries. It's also true that there's nothing quite like home-made vegeburgers if you have a good recipe and the time to make them. But once or twice a week I like a regular Grillers Original on a toasted soft bagel with mayo, hot mustard, ketchup, and chopped onions and jalapenos!)

What kind of vegeburgers do you like, and how do you prepare them? Leave your comments below.

Showers of Coupons

I don't write the eValue-ator to get free (or discounted) stuff, but it never hurts when a company attempts to placate me with freebies (or discounts) as they try to figure out if my complaints are those of a one-off crackpot or the first ripples of a market-share-shrinking tsunami of customer resentment. After all, I did fork over cash for a product whose packaging asserts the presence of certain positive attributes. And the comments I am submitting  represent data that should have some value to them, as such information could at least theoretically help the manufacturer make their product better live up to the attributes their packaging claims. So, since I've never gotten an immediate response of "We'll immediately stop the production line and address the issue you raised", I will accept coupons as one step up from no response, though a step below an outright refund.

In the case of the Tia Rosa Tortillas problem, parent company Bimbo Bakeries (I'm not making that name up) left a nice message on my answering machine and sent two $1 coupons for any Tia Rosa product--within about three days of leaving a comment on their site. And since this was only a packaging-related issue, I will probably apply them to more of their tortillas and double-wrap before switching back to another brand with functional packaging (probably Azteca). The important thing is that they thank me for taking time to contact them, value my comments, welcome my suggestions, and strive to produce quality products that meet my expectations.

Dakota Style insisted in a follow-up email that there is no way their meaty-tasting sunflower seeds have actual meat in them. Though this little South Dakota company sells their own brand of beef jerky, they claim it is not made in the same facility. They sent four dollar-off coupons, which will allow me to cover four bags of their previously excellent sunflower seeds and hope that they've finally cleared up whatever problem they had with what they call accidental "over roasting."

Informing companies that we have a problem, so they can get better and thrive . . . It's a heavy responsibility, but one that the eValue-ator will never slack on.